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Nepalese Society for Children’s Literature (NESCHIL) is one of the leading organizations of the children’s literature in Nepal. It is located in Kathmandu. It was  established in 1987 (Ghatasthapana, 2044 BS). It is  a non-profit organization registered under the Government of Nepal with registraton number 13\045\46 in  Kathmandu. Neschil is a voluntary organization devoted to development of child’s literature and reading habits in the country. Since then, it has been  actively working in the country in the field of  children’s literature.  It is a parental organization of which some members are leading their own organizations too. It is also a pioneer and national level institution  of  more than 200 prominent writers, illustrators, journalists, publishers, librarians,  researchers and experts.  NESCHIL  works in collaboration with  individuals  and institutions of  similar aims and objectives. As children’s are leaders of future, we  work to help  them to become able, capable and good global citizen. As a national organization, NESCHIL  offers opportunities in various  fields of children’s literature.

Children’s Literature in Nepal

Nepal is the country where  virgin girls are worshiped as living goddess. The geographical, ethnological and biological diversities have created this Himalayan country as a play ground of  the children of diverse nature and culture. The population of children of  0-14 years is about 40%. The literary rate of Nepal was very low and slows till the middle of 20th century. The public education started since the  beginning of 20th century. Printed books were rare for children till the publication of educational books in the beginning of 20th century.Books for children came into wider use since the mid of 20th century. The publication of books  for children  started only a century ago. In the contemporary Nepal, the percentage  of literacy though seems improving but publication of  book specially written  for children is figures  about 3000 titles. Traditional story telling practices have been helping to some extent to educate and entertain children. School books also facing difficulties in distribution throughout the country. Realising the need of the children dozens of publishers and organizations have been emerged in recent years. But appropriate and standardized books for children are lacking. Translation and research activities in the field of children’s literature are slow. NESCHIL is trying to create awareness and develop  reading materials for them with its limited resources.


NESCHIL as a prominent organization, working for the development of children’s literature, has following  objectives:

  • Work to promote children’s literature through programs and publications along with advocating children’s rights.
  • Coordinate to develop mutual cooperation between writers, illustrators, editors, translators, teachers, librarians, publishers, researchers, experts and individuals  related to  childrenn’s programs and organizations working in the field of  children’s literature.
  • Launch various programs to promote creation, publication, reading, distribution and research for the development of children’s literature.
  • Encourage children, parents, teachers, publishers and social workers in promoting children’s reading and honour creators of outstanding contributors.
  • Publish journal, organise seminars and work-shops  and manage compitition and award  writers of children’s literature.
  • Develop links and co-operations with national and international organizations devoted to children’s literature and reading habits.


NESCHIL  was a  member of International Board on Books for Young (IBBY)   in 2006  and the Executive Committee  works for both the organizations.


NESCHIL  works with  close co-operation with various organizations devoted to  children’s literature, children’s reading and activities related  to the welfare of children. For this, it forms various sub committees to involve them in order to perform specific programs and projects.


NESCHIL is actively working to fulfil objectives and promote children’s literature in Nepal.

– We publish selected quality book of reputed writers and quality writiing.

– We are publishing a journal Bal Sahitya  and a  newsletter  regularaly.

– Translate best books of different languages published in Nepal and abroad for the children.

– Organise annual conferences each year in seperate places of different districts in the country.

– Organise seminars, symposiums, talk programs,  discussion meeting and story telling sessions, book exhibitions and promotional  programs.

– Arrange interaction programmes with children as well as meetings with parents, publishers and authorities working for children.

– Coordinate  innovative programs  like mobile (Book box) libraries, school libraries,   distribution of reading materials and creative writing  programs.

NESCHIL  has also conducted  programs in collaboration with Nepal Academy, UNICEF, UNESCO, IBBY Yamada Project,  Danish Writers Association, CWIN, READ Nepal, other INGOs, NGOs  and  schools. NESCHIL Published Nepalese   Encyclopaedia for Children in collaboration with UNESCO for the first time in Nepal in 2004 and  the second revised edition is  scheduled for 2017.


Membership  is open to both individuals and institutions and  they are from  different professions like writers, teachers, educationists, publishers, illustrators  and librarians ,  organizations devoted to children’s literatures and reading.

There are four categories of membership: General, Life, Honorary  and Institutional. Application form can be  downloaded from  the website:

NESCHIL Advisors

Prof. Dr.  C.M. Bandhu, Prof. Ram Kumar Panday, Dr. Tirtha Bahadur Shresth, Mr. Biswambhar Chanchal Mrs. Maya Thakuri, Mr. Viktor Pradhan and Mr. Vijaya Chalise.









Executive Committee  of  NESCHIL/NBBY


President                Mr. Tej Prakash Shreastha

Vice President        Dr. Shailendu Prakash Nepal

General Secretary   Mr. Pramod Pradhan

Secretary                 Mr. Yashu Shrestha

Treasurer                Mr. Kartikeya Ghimire

Member                  Dr. Dhruva Kumar Ghimire

Member                  Mr. Pradip Lama Bamjan

Member                  Mrs.Yadevi Dhakal

Member                  Mr. Rajendra Bhakta Joshi

Member                  Dr. Renuka Thapa Solu

Member                  Mr. Bijayaraj Acharya



Tel.: 977-01-4241591 E-Mail:

Post box 1488, Bag Bazar, Kathmandu, Nepal,