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Executive Committee


Membership  is open to both individuals and institutions and  they are from  different professions like writers, teachers, educationists, publishers, illustrators  and librarians ,  organizations devoted to children’s literatures and reading.

There are four categories of membership: General, Life, Honorary  and Institutional. Application form can be  downloaded from  the website:

NESCHIL Advisors

Prof. Dr.  C.M. Bandhu, Prof. Ramkumar pande, Mr. Rambabu Subedi,  Mr. KK Karmacharya, Mrs. Ranjushree Parajuli, Mr. Tej Prakash Shrestha, Dr. Shaulenduprakash nepal, Mr. Tej Prakash Shrestha, Mr. Bhola Shrestha, Mrs. Indira Dali, Mr. Hari Bhandari, Prof. Dr. Dhruva Kumar Ghimire(Former)

Executive Committee  of  NESCHIL/NBBY


Chairperson                              Pramod Pradhan

Senior Vice Chairperson        Krishnadip Sigdel

Vice Chairperson (one for each province)

Koshi provience                     Dr. Yadevi Dhakal

Madhes provience                Nawaraj Risal

Gandaki provienc                 Bijaya Raj Neupane

Lumbini provience               Prof Dr. Kapil dev Lamichane

Karnali provience                Kali Bahadur Shahi

Far Western provience      Dr.Pushkar Raj Bhatta

General Secretary              Bijaya Raj Acharya 

Secretary                             Dr. Vishnu Kumar Khatri

Treasurer                             Rajendra Bhakta Joshi

Members                             Arpita Shakya

Members                            Prabha Bhattarai

Members                            Bhanu Bhattarai

Members                           Manju Gyawali

Members                           Saman Shrestha

Members                           Sushila Pradhananga


Tel.: 977-01-4241591 E-Mail:

Post box 1488, Bag Bazar, Kathmandu, Nepal,